Search Catalog | World Bank Group

Search Catalog | World Bank Group

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Helping Cities Meet Their Energy Challenges of the New Century

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Pakistan’s energy sector is facing a serious crisis.

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Negawatt Challenge empowers communities to innovate around urban energy issues and helps transform cities into more energy efficient places

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Doubling the rate of improvement of energy efficiency is critical due to growth in energy consumption.

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Many opportunities to invest in energy efficiency are forgone due to the limited availability of credit.

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Energy efficiency promises huge economic returns, but market failures must first be overcome.

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What creates demand for energy service companies?

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How can improvements in energy efficiency increase the bottom line?

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This brief highlights lessons learned from two decades of energy efficiency programs.

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Three new market-based mechanisms for utilities promote energy efficiency.

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A multi-pronged communications campaign has doubled the number of condominiums created to take on these energy efficiency projects in Ukraine

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Why Efficiency Matters for Sustainable Mobility

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The Tool for Rapid Assessment of City Energy is a system designed to identify and harness EE opportunities.

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Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam is developing a bus transit system.

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Doubling the share of renewables in the global energy mix can enhance energy security and reduce emissions.

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Population growth, economic development, and climate change will increase pressure on energy and water resources.

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Presenters from the City-to-City Learning session respond to questions.

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Creating behavior to improve water use efficiency in China

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This note attempts to identify the factors associated with differences in overall school

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An online collaboration tool, open to the public, intended to facilitate knowledge sharing, discussion and debate, serve as a repository for events, reports, project updates, and connect stakeholders working to increase access to clean cooking and heating

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