Grants: Funding Opportunities

We consider grants to be awards in the form of financial assistance—including federal cooperative agreements—made to eligible entities that will derive a primary benefit from assistance of the granting agent. These grants may be attained through a competitive or non-competitive applications process. Assistance may be in the form of money, property, or other financial assistance paid by us to carry out a program according to state and federal rules, requirements, and guidance.

Grants Awarded from State Funds

Regional Solid Waste Grants Program

Purpose: Solid waste management activities and various local and regional projects that help implement solid waste management plans, in accordance with Section 361.014 of the Texas Health and Safety Code.

Recipients: Regional and local governments

View more information about the Regional Solid Waste Grants Program.

Clean Rivers Program

Purpose: Collect and assess surface water quality data and provide a public forum for managing water quality in each Texas river basin, in accordance with Section 26.0135 of the Texas Water Code.

Recipients: 12 river authorities, one water district, one federal agency, and one council of government

View more information about the Clean Rivers Program.
